First Sober Fourth of July? Here’s How to Host or Celebrate the Holiday

Acceptance House Sober Living How to Celebrate First Sober Fourth of JulyHolidays like Thanksgiving & Christmas are known as the most stressful and triggering times for those in recovery. But Fourth of July BBQs can also be an intimidating setting, especially if you’re in the beginning stages of long-term sobriety. The warm weather BBQ and pool party celebrations often go hand-in-hand with alcohol consumption, probably a little weed smoking too. Don’t feel like you have to miss out on attending or even hosting your own 4th of July Bash! Acceptance House Sober Living is going to provide you with some extremely helpful tips to celebrate your first sober Fourth of July.

10 Tips to Celebrate your First Sober Independence Day

Attend a Pre-Party Meeting: An addiction recovery meeting on 4th of July weekend will be filled with others who are preparing to celebrate the holiday sober. They can offer advice and coping strategies and help you feel more confident about your decision to attend parties.

Bring a Sober Buddy: When you look around the Independence Day celebration it may seem like everyone is holding a drink. Guarantee at least one other person will be sober with you by bringing a buddy.

Dedicate 1 Hour to Self-Care: We know the importance of maintaining our physical and mental health during recovery. Spend an hour before and after the party on an activity that boosts your well-being. Options include: exercise, yoga, reading, meditation, journaling and much more.

Ask Questions: Call the host several days prior to the event. Ask them about food & drink options, invited guests, activities and other information that could help you avoid a trigger.

Drive Yourself: If you find something at the party triggers you or you get a strong sensation to use, leave the party immediately! You’ll guarantee you can when you bring your own car to the party.

Bring your Own Drink Options: Avoid having to awkwardly decline a drink when someone offers by brining your own. If you don’t want to explain why you’re sticking to soda or seltzer water, pour it in a solo cup!

Keep your Phone on You: Use your phone to your advantage. Whether you need to disengage and get lost in social media for a few minutes or make an emergency phone call to your sponsor, always have your phone on you and fully charged.

Have an Exit Strategy: Prepare a reason to leave and a place to go should you feel triggered.

Host a Sober Fourth of July Celebration: If your first year sober seems too soon to be surrounded by others drinking, host your own sober Fourth of July event. Only invite sober friends & family members and your sponsor.

Celebrate Your Sobriety: While managing triggers and all the words of advice we provided in this blog, don’t forget to take a minute to celebrate your independence from drugs and alcohol and acknowledge just how far you’ve come on your sobriety journey.

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