Benefits of a Sober Living House to Long Term Recovery

Sober Living House Benefits Long Term Addiction RecoveryMany people believe that after you’ve successfully completed detox and an addiction treatment program you can return to your former life. While you have developed many of the tools you need to navigate the world sober, it highly recommended that you transition from an addiction treatment facility back to the community through a recovery house program. Without this vital transition, a person is much more likely to relapse when they return home after treatment. Besides the increased odds of long-term addiction recovery, the sober living house benefits are boundless. Acceptance House Sober Living outlines a list of the top 10 advantages below.

10 Sober Living House Benefits

Alcohol & Drug Free Environment: It is quite obvious that your best chance to stay sober is to live in an environment free of drugs and alcohol. Every sober living home has a strict zero tolerance policy against all illicit drugs and/or alcohol.

Promotes Self Support & Empowerment: House rules often require residents to have a job and pay rent, purchase groceries and cook their own meals. All of these important guidelines promote newfound independence and the feeling of empowerment to make your own healthy life choice.

Affordable: One of the great sober living house benefits is their affordability compared to renting an apartment or purchasing your own home. Plus, they do not come with the added stress or pressure of a lease or having to provide money upfront.

Rules & Guidelines to ensure Safety & Sobriety: Above all else, the goal of any sober housing facility is to provide a safe, drug-free environment for you to recover. This is achieved through strict rules & regulations set in place solely for the benefit of the residents & their addiction recovery process.

Quiet Residential Neighborhoods: Studies have proven that location is key to long-term sobriety. At Acceptance House Sober Living, our homes are all located in the quiet suburbs, which allows for peaceful healing.

Sober Activities & Events: Your previous life may have been centered on drugs, alcohol and all the activities that come with it. One of the many sober live house benefits is they provide sober activities such as exercise, meditation, art and more.

Build Long-Lasting Friendships: It is highly important to build lasting friendships with sober people you can trust and rely on for support. The group of residents at your sober living home will often become your lifelong friends and a reliable network if you’re ever feeling vulnerable.

Sobriety Resources & Network: Through your drug treatment center and recovery house, you’ll have access to a network of people and unlimited resources to help you maintain long term sobriety.

Highly Beneficial to Lifelong Recovery: Sober homes eliminate relapse triggers & temptations during your first 30 to 90 days of sobriety, which is the most crucial timeframe of your journey. Those who can successfully navigate their first 90 days out of drug treatment without a relapse are 50% more likely to achieve long-term sobriety.

Slow, Successful Transition to Community: Finally, a recovery home allows someone to make a safe and slow return to the community, which will lessen the risks and temptations associated with familiar places and faces.

Recovery Homes: A Commitment to Sobriety

If you’re currently in a treatment facility and looking for a recovery home to transition into after your program, Acceptance House Sober Living offers homes throughout Bucks County PA and Southern NJ. Our team provides a safe, structured and supportive environment while you’re transition back into society.  Learn more about our beautiful transitional home facilities and call 856-465-7310 to learn more about our program.

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